Beavers is all about fun and friends. We usually start the evening off with some softball football to use up some of the energy that most 6 and 7 year olds have.
We then ‘gather logs’ whereby all the Beavers hold hands in a circle and we greet each other. If it has been someone’s birthday, we all sing “Happy Birthday”.

Our Beaver Leaders
From Engineers to Swimming Teachers Our Beaver leaders have years of experience in Scouting!
Monday Beaver Leader
Thursday Beaver Leader

We then do an activity such as making something or an experiment and sometimes we have special people in to talk to us.
If there’s any time left in the hour we play games. At Beavers there’s always plenty of games!
The first Sunday in each month is Church Parade and the Beavers have a part to play. Each month, three Beavers are chosen to carry the flag into church.
Once a year there is the Beavers County Fun Day.
All the Beavers within the Greater Manchester District come together for a day of fun and games.
Last year’s theme was ‘countries’ and the Beavers experienced everything from tastes of America, cricket, safari to making Chinese hats! The day always ends with a camp fire sing-a-long. Despite the rain, the day was a huge success.
At Christmas, the Greenmount Beaver Colonies all went on the “Santa Special” train.
All the Beavers received a toy and met Santa. We had lots of cakes and sweets on the train and there was carol singing, a quiz, games and even some fireworks.
Here’s a taster of the “Monday” Beaver Colony’s activities which they have done over the past 12 months:-
Made and tossed pancakes for Shrove Tuesday.
Planted hyacinths which are now flowering.
Had a trip to Bury Fire Station.
Had a Pets Day where everyone brought in one of their pets and we had a local vet come and speak to the Beavers about their pet.
Had a games night outside with teams and ice lollies.
For Halloween we had a fancy dress spooky party.
Everyone looked fabulous and the room was decorated with pumpkins and we played apple bobbing and other games.
A uniformed Police person came in to talk to the Beavers about road safety and stranger danger.
Had a musical evening where the Beavers made their own drums and brought in any instrument they could play. (This was a very noisy session!)
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A call for more Leaders / Helpers
A call for more Leaders / Helpers to meet the demand for young members. We currently have waiting lists for both Beavers and Cubs. If you fancy sparing a few hours each week (or occasionally) to help meet our current shortfall, contact Rick (Group Scout Leader) at